What wakeboarders do to keep their spirits up during the winter

What wakeboarders do to keep their spirits up during the winter

For us wakeboarders the question is often asked on the pontoon at the end of the season, "what do you do during the off-season to keep yourself in shape? Many of you have asked me this question. Last season I even made a video on the subject to encourage you to stay in shape during the winter.

This time I'm going to tell you about my tips for staying in shape and in good spirits during the off-season.

1 - Keep your physique

As we all know, wakeboarding requires strength and at the end of the season we can hold long sessions compared to the beginning of the season. On this point it will be important to keep a physical activity which will encourage your body to the effort in order to better apprehend the next season.
You are not obliged to embark on a fitness program with a dietary follow-up. However, your body being used to the effort and its discharge of endorphins (the happiness hormone) you may be prone to depressive tendencies. Is our sport a drug? The passionate person that I am will answer "yes" but not for the same reasons. However, I feel this depressive state when I don't ride.


Here are the activities I recommend during the off-season that will boost your morale:

  • Circuit training
  • Nordic Walking
  • Weight training or Crossfit
  • Swimming
  • Climbing
  • All board sports as long as you can do it regularly! At least twice a week. (skate, snowboard, ski, etc...)

These activities are designed to keep your spirits up and some of the physical potential that the wake will have given you during the season. Full-body sports will help you stay in better shape than sports such as skiing or snowboarding where the arms are less involved. In which case, pair snowboarding on the weekend with an activity that will work your arms during the week.

During the week, I do circuit training with body weight, hiking and if the weather doesn't allow me to go outside, I get out my good old rowing machine. I do at least 3 sessions a week to keep in shape and in good spirits.

2 - At least one winter wakeboarding trip

You think I'm crazy? Well, no. Many water ski lifts are still open in France, Belgium, England, Turkey, Morocco, etc...
Have you even tested it yet?
Personally I ride all year round. I ride less during the winter but I don't stop wakeboarding. I look for my next destination depending on the weather where I am and my budget. Many of my videos were shot during the month of December or January.

Here is a list of the water ski lifts that are still open and that you can contact Click here.


3 - Rest and heal yourself!

Your body has been under a lot of stress during this long season, which is getting longer all the time, so think about doing something good for your body!
It's time to address the aches and pains that have arisen during this year.

What are some ways to feel good about your body?

Here are some grandma's remedies that will help you recover completely.

  1. Magnesium chloride

It is a forgotten remedy, which is beneficial to the whole body. It helps mental health, fights muscle damage, strengthens the immune system.
However, it is not recommended if you suffer from diarrhea or kidney problems.

In the article the 18 benefits of magnesium chloride you will find a whole part of these benefits and counter indications.
You can also get this book - Magnesium chloride is a smart product - who will tell you more.

So a little cure?

  1. It's time to hibernate

You think you are different from other mammals? Well, you're wrong. In winter you need more sleep than in summer. It is therefore essential to align yourself with what your body is asking of you.
If you feel tired earlier than usual, what better way than to listen to your body? Only he knows what is good for you.

In this article "Being in shape during the winter is possible Louise Castillon explains to us all the important points to keep our shape, our morale and the viruses away from us.

  1. Improve your flexibility

Finally, a VERY important point. The more flexible you are, the better you will be in your body and the better your sports performance will be.
The only problem is that flexibility is not acquired in 5 minutes. It takes many months of effort to become flexible and the work must be sustained.

Here are the different positions I encourage you to do to improve your flexibility and that will help any good wakeboarder to maintain himself.

La posture de l’enfant

child's posture

the lumbar vertebrae (again)

The hamstrings




The adductors


The quadriceps


The psoas


You can find by following this link un programme complet d’étirement.

You have understood, there is no exact science that will put you in the best position for your next season. It is a whole that must be understood and approached step by step. These are the tracks that I personally followed and that I still follow to maintain myself on a daily basis despite the little time that life imposes on me (work, family, maintain this blog and the youtube channel!).

Enfin il est aujourd’hui prouvé que s’amuser aide à mémoriser comme d’ailleurs nous aide à prévenir l’arrivée de beaucoup de maladie. Pensez bien que tous ces exemples doivent être fait dans un but de vous rapprocher un peu plus de vous et non l’inverse.


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