What is a tidal bore ?
The tidal bore is a natural phenomenon that occurs in only a few places in the world. 
In Gironde, it is observed along the estuary and its tributaries.
The phenomenon is noticed when at high tide the water enters the estuary, the river narrows and thus allows to concentrate the force of the tide. 
A difference of wind and water height between the two rivers breaks its balance so to restore it we observe a ripple called tidal bore!
This wave makes the pleasure of the amateurs of surfing, paddle, kayak and other types of boats but let us not forget that it also constitutes a real damage because it causes damage on the feet of bank. It accelerates erosion, endangering the inhabitants of the shore. 
Apres avoir observé ce phénomène plusieurs fois, cette fois-ci c’est mon tour ! Avec Justin on prend le surfboard et le paddle et on va découvrir ce spot mythique, cette sensation de ride et l’ambiance qui reigne sur ce spot !
Video on Youtube!
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