Discover the GLISSE BOX !

All about the GLISSE BOX!

I'm part of a SUNDISTRIKT network that gathers several riders-youtubers.
I received my first GLISSE BOX ! And I open it with you in this video. 

What is the GLISSE BOX ?

For Christmas, I talked about several gift ideas and well I find that this BOX is perfect! It contains the essentials of the world of riding and sliding, so for all surf, skate, site, trot enthusiasts, it is THE perfect gift. 
Buy individually or as a yearly or 6-month subscription and receive your box every 2 months.
For the price of the GLISSE BOX you get a lot of product, the value of your box exceeds the amount of its purchase, a real advantage for riders with small wallets, a profitable purchase.
In my box, we find: 


Thanks to the suction cups you can hang it on the car body, on a window or in the bathroom, practical to dry the suit 
In the Park we use the hangers PLOK because we collaborate with this young brand and are super useful because in addition to having the suction cup, the hangers PLOK are equipped with a string to hang it everywhere. Moreover it has two bars to hang my vest and my wetsuit (long live wakeboarding)!


The clothes from SOORUZ are always great 


Ocean-friendly preserves the coral. Made with water, this sunscreen is perfect for a session in the sun.


Spécifique pour nettoyer ta combinaison, très utile si tu t’en sers souvent dans des eaux marécageuses ou odorantes. Ou, tout simplement si tu transpires comme un ours. 


Tu télécharges une applications, tu colles ton BOOMTAG sur tes affaires. Via le téléphone, tu n’enregistres. Si tu perds ton objet, la personne qui le retrouve, scanne par NFC et te retrouve vis l’application 

A DISCOUNT code of -20% on MUNDAKA Optics

Send a message on Instagram if you're interested. We'll pass the promo code along to you. 


A futile object that I would never have bought but it falls at the right time, I will soon receive my new car and so I will be able to put it in, a good smell of coconut candy!

Finally, STICKERS galore!

Here it is for the box everything is there! Honestly, I feel like a kid at Christmas, I had not planned this box and it's great to have these accessories. 
It was a pleasure to present you this GLISSE BOX in video because I think it's a great idea. I receive a lot of messages about good gift ideas or accessories for the rider, and especially to all the young people who love board sports, it's a great way to stay up to date with the news and to be equipped for the next sessions. 
Let me know in the comments if you think this BOX would make a great gift idea! 
J’attends vos retours et en attendant, n’oubliez pas de vous abonner. 

Link of the GLISSE BOX

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