[EXCLUSIVE] How to get past your fears?

Tu as peur du noir, de l’inconnu, du regard des autres, des requins ou même des poissons rouges ?

How is fear created?

There are 3 factors that differentiate you from another person:

  • Your education
  • Your way of life
  • Your personality, what makes you unique today

Based on this, the legendary animal that you are will be more or less willing to take risks.

Your education.

If your parents have raised you to be afraid or afraid of getting hurt, you'll have a harder time committing to your physique. Or, if they are not athletic, you will have to face their gaze on your willingness to take up wakeboarding as a sport.

We call it the family pattern! On this, everyone is unique.

Your way of life.

If you have experienced difficult things in childhood or have been left out or have not been able to achieve what you wanted to achieve. You will lack confidence.

You will doubt yourself.

Your personality.

We are all very different in this respect but one thing is important. Can you be yourself when you wrinkle? Without wanting to make your friends' eyes shine? Without even doing the opposite, hiding from the eyes of others?

On this point, it is important to be in balance and to be in agreement with your real needs.

What is your goal in life as a wakeboarder? Set simple and achievable goals.

Fear comes next. During your learning stage. Everything we have seen before resurfaces:

  • Your parental scheme with a notion of right and wrong in relation to the way your parents look at you
  • The confidence you have in yourself at that moment (it differs depending on the moment)
  • Your goals


So I propose to help you overcome your fear through these 7 steps:

1- Don't skip steps!

Understand that wakeboarding can be a physically demanding sport. Accept the steps that will make you a better rider

2- Be honest with your abilities!

Work on the tricks by unraveling them one by one and validating the moves step by step to achieve the final trick you want to do.

3- Stay humble!

If you have succeeded, be happy with your success and set a new goal that will allow you to continue your evolution. You are not better than anyone else. You are different.

4- Learns to accept the gaze of others.

The hardest thing is not the judgment, it's the condemnation! As long as someone is judging you, they are bringing a critical opinion (positive or negative) about you. This is constructive. If they condemn you, turn your back on them because they are afraid of you.

5- Learn to share your knowledge.

Helping others will help you structure your mind. You will then learn in a more methodical and structured way.

6- Learn to have confidence in yourself.

Self-confidence is relative. Your instructor taught you how to drive a car in the city at 50km/h but drive it at 150km/h. You'll never really have confidence in what can happen.

7- Be committed to your own desires.

Too many people I meet tell me that "if she had this, she would succeed at that".... No, you want to succeed? It's up to you to put all the chances on your side. Train physically, work on your movements on the floor. Ask for help. Involve yourself in your progression and your evolution.

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