Who will compete with Clément Dominjon?

Profile of Clément Dominjon

clement dominjon

Name: Dominjon
First name: Clément

Sponsors :  Mystic, Slingshot, Exo

How old are you? 20 years old

At what age did you start wakeboarding?  2013

What are your favorite tricks? Raley kicker

Favorite spot outside of France ? CWC

Raconte nous une anecdote ou souvenir qui t’a marqué : 
Ma première boite en raley, j’ai perdu connaissance.

What do you like about this back to school jam contest?
The Jam format with fishing, less cardio, more tricks and more beer!

Clément will be present at the back To school jam

Le Totem Wake Park a l’honneur de vous présenter pour la première fois la “back To school jam”.
C’est le September 9th and 10th that the first edition of this jam will take place on the Totem Wake Park spot.
The format of the competition will be a first, a jam where the riders will pass one by one in head to head and will have a catch in case of fall to ensure a maximum of show. There will be, beside all that a best tricks in kicker and in air tricks on Saturday in the beginning of evening.
With all this of course a party with DJ and good atmosphere on Saturday night.
Pour ce qui est de l’hébergement le Totem wakepark vous permettra de passer la nuit sur le spot avec votre tente ou camping car ou ailleurs d’ailleurs.

back to school jam


Friday 8/09 : trainings from 16h00 to 21h00
Saturday 9/09:
-qualification in the morning
-demi finale l’après midi
-best air tricks and kicker in the early evening
Sunday 10/09:
Finale l’après-midi + podiums


30€ (meal not included) Pre-registration RECOMMENDED because places are limited
registration : totemwakepark@gmail.com or +33 6 16 91 02 55

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