Hello Legendary Animals!

This video is shot in partnership with the French Federation of Water Ski and Wakeboard, FFSNW.

This video is for the youngest among us. If you are 12 years old or younger or know someone who is, share this video with them.

Le Kidz to King est le programme de détection des futurs championnes et champions du ski nautique et du wake de la FFSNW, il permet d’identifier les jeunes talents au plus tôt pour les accompagner vers la haute performance.

The selection of this program is done in the first place by a video contest. But be careful, we don't expect Speilberg. Just an uncut sequence of 2 laps on full-size and 4 round trips on bi-ply.

L’ouverture du formulaire d’inscription démarre le 20 juin et tu as jusqu’au 12 août pour envoyer un lien vers ta vidéo. Voici le lien pour t’y inscrire !


To be selected at Kid'z to king is the opportunity to be invited to a two days workshop where you will be able to meet other young French wakeboard talents.

So, in this video I'm going to explain to you how to make a nice filmed sequence and also explain to you what the judges expect to increase your chances of being selected.

In full-size, the easiest way is to be filmed by someone in doublets, but be careful, it must be done without cutting! Remember to ask your teammate to shorten the rope so that you can cross each other. You can then be filmed on the right modules and then the left modules. Or if the rope is short enough, you can even choose your line. Here a standard action cam is more than enough. Remember to stabilize your image or your camera.

In bi-poulies, the doublet is more complicated but it is easier to film yourself because the water ski lift is smaller. Ask someone to stand half way up the cable and take your best camera. No action cam this time. A zoom lens will be necessary. If the bank is not accessible, ask to borrow the boat.
Another solution, filming with a drone on a bi-poulies is caviar. Just put your drone on one side of the cable and fly it in profile. The rendering is superb.

The goal is to have a clear video on which the judges can appreciate your level, your fluidity and your creativity. By the way, let's talk about the selection criteria now.

Ce que la FFSNW veut voit c’est un potentiel de progression. Il est donc important que tu aies des bases solides et complètes. Les critères importants aux yeux des juges sont de base, la performance technique et tout ce qui fait qu’il est agréable à te regarder rider. À savoir, l’amplitude, la créativité, la maîtrise, la hauteur et le style.

In other words, get out your best run, film it and send it to the link I put in the description of this video.

If you have any questions, put them in comments. I'll answer to everyone.

I hope you understood everything and that you are ready to become the King! We are waiting for a lot of videos so get your cameras!

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