The 5 best physical preparation methods to achieve your goals in 2018

The 5 best physical preparation methods that have worked for me

Today I'm talking about a subject that touches me deeply, physical preparation. If you meet my relatives, they will tell you that I am always preparing myself physically and that I never stop. Indeed I have tested a lot of muscle strengthening methods and today I'm giving you everything I know about the subject.

At the end I will give you my personal program and my own way to prepare for the 2018 season. You can follow all of this on instagram in near live.
Nevertheless, you should know that in a physical preparation you need rigor and a certain desire to surpass yourself during a given period. My biggest advice on everything that follows is that you must enjoy doing it so that it becomes part of your everyday life.

I see some people saying to themselves, "Why prepare physically?

  1. It gives you confidence on the water. If you have the strength and physique to hold on, that's a lot of extra tricks to add to your list.
  2. It protects you from injury.
  3. It is antidepressant.
  4. You prevent yourself from a long list of diseases (cold, Alzheimer, cardiovascular diseases, etc...)
  5. We increase our life expectancy and productivity at work

I'm not the only one saying this, here's a great article on the Huffington Post about it there.

Here are the 5 methods that have had results for me on my body and my performance

1- Fitness

With a good nutritional follow-up you can do miracles at the physical level

I did 3 years of weight training in a gym, including 6 months with a fitness coach. For me, the positive side is that if the sessions are well done and correctly associated with wakeboarding, it allows the rider to make up for his shortcomings while maintaining or improving even on his strong points.

What I liked most about this sport was the nutrition. I realized that with a good nutritional follow-up you can do miracles on a physical level. I recommend this sport to everyone because it is considered medium intensity and it allows you to burn calories 24 to 48 hours after a session.

The negative point is that the sessions last between 1h to 1h30 and that you need time to go to the gym, to do your session, to take your shower etc.. And it is good to do some cardio on the side because fitness does not encourage cardio at all. Also when you do an extreme sport it is important to build up all your muscles. Avoid all machines that will guide your movements with fitness. Take bars and dumbbells.

Super constraining to take a shower... we took it in the lake ^^


2- Crossfit

Le crossFit va te faire devenir une machine à muscle ! c’est une méthode intense, très intense qui permet d’allier haltérophilie, la force athlétique, la gymnastique et les sport d’endurance. Malgré tout je ne vous cache pas que pour moi c’est une discipline trop intense et qu’il serait dommage que le Crossfit devienne la discipline principale en lieu et place du wakeboard. Les 2 activités sont de trop haute intensité pour vous permettre de faire les 2 en même temps à mon goût. Je n’ai pas réussi à maintenir les 2 en même temps à cause de la fatigue.

What I advise you to do if you don't wrinkle during the winter is to do a 3 months session to get back in shape and then find another discipline to maintain you during the season. TRX, use apps and do muscle strengthening etc...

The time constraint is also present here because one must move in a room or outside and have material even if it can seem rudimentary.


3- Apps such as Results from Runtatics or Freeletics

In 2017 I tested Runtastic, I had little time and I thought it would help me. I was pleasantly surprised with the performance I was able to get with this digital coach. You can choose between 3 to 5 workouts per week and the app gives you a different program each week. I found it fun and because it changes and evolves you get caught up in the game.

What's a shame is that the program was over 12 weeks and then you are offered to resume a program so it becomes a bit redundant at the end. I still kept the app and I was doing personalized workouts which is a feature of the app and that even during the season. It allows you to keep in shape without too many constraints.

You need a mat and your phone. Everything is body weight. Another constraint is that you become an athletic machine but if you have the misfortune to stop for a week or two you lose your physique at a rate! What I did not feel in the same way with the fitness.

4- TRX or Strap Training from Decathlon

I'll tell you about it quickly because it hasn't been too long since I tried it. For me, TRX is halfway between weight training and the body weight exercises I mentioned earlier. As you hang your body from the straps, you will use all the support muscles. For me it's the best for wakeboarding because we need support in our discipline. In addition you can carry it everywhere, it fits in a small box and you can hang it from a tree or something. At home it can be stuck behind a door.

I have yet to find a negative point because it is halfway between everything I mentioned above and erases everyone's constraints. It is medium to high intensity depending on your workouts with it.


5- A complete discipline such as Judo, Jiu Jitsu, gymnastics, swimming, etc.

Of course I don't forget all the sportsmen and sportswomen who practice complete sports. Sometimes it is not necessary to prepare physically for wakeboarding because you already do enough!
So if none of the solutions I mentioned before suits you. I encourage you to try sports such as judo, jiu jitsu, gymnastics on the floor or with apparatus, swimming, etc... With that you will have your physical preparation.

Vous retrouverez ici tous les conseils d’une gymnaste et wakeboardeuse, Marie Castaner. Marie Castaner, portrait d’une Yogi et Shreddeuse.

My preparation for the 2018 season

Now as I told you at the beginning I explain my physical preparation for 2018 that you can follow on instagram. I contacted a coach who follows my progress once every 2 weeks and who sent me a program. I chose to be accompanied this time because of my knee injury. I don't have much time and I need to go to the essential. So for now I have an 8 week program that starts with body weight strength training. Then, we will continue with TRX to increase the intensity. If you want to follow me I post everything on instagram. That way if you need advice or anything we can support each other!

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