How to choose your #2 wakeboard - the details that make the difference!

Vous vous posez la question sur comment bien choisir votre wakeboard et parfaire les réglages de celui-ci. Vous avez envie de comprendre l’incidence de ces réglages sur votre ride ?

Here are the tips I can give you to decide:

1 - the size

Boat for lake use :

Les tailles varient selon le poid ( en priorité ) et la taille du rider. Pour les rideuses jusqu’à 50 kg optez pour une gamme en 130 et 134. Pour les plus musclées, choisir à partir de 136 et au dessus ( malheureusement obligation de choix chez les hommes). Pour les riders se situant à + ou – 70 kg, 136 a 140. Au delà de 80kg, opter pour du 140 et plus. Concernant les rideuses, les tailles de board sont évalué sur une taille de base de 160 cm et 175 cm pour les riders donc ne pas hésiter à choisir la taille de board supérieur pour les grandes personnes. Avoir une board courte permet une plus grande maniabilité dans les tricks mais moins de pop et inversement si grande board, meilleur pop et plus grande stabilité mais moins de maniabilité.

Cable for jib or to practice the modules:

The more surface area we have the more balance we will have. So it is normal to see more and more big boards. However, this also means more buoyancy and if you want to make blocks you really have to go for it and plant your heels in the water.

Today's wake standards are 136cm-138com for sizes 60-90kg, 138-140cm for sizes 70-100kg, 140cm-144cm for sizes 80-130kg.

For the very tall and strong, you'll want to go for a board that will be hard and sturdy instead of a flex board that you'll bend in a few minutes.

2. The stanza

Boat & Cable: What is the difference between a tight and wide stance? The wider your stance, the more stability you will have on the water. However, the wider your stance, the more difficult it will be to pop on the modules, to make rotations and to gain amplitude during ollies. Here it's very simple, it's based on a physical law. Place two springs close to each other, they will be more parallel to each other than if you spread the distance between them. So you gain in stability but you lose in performance.

The opposite is true for a tight stance.

The winning choice here is to consider the width of our pelvis and place our feet at a slightly greater distance from it. You will have your measure and can make your choice of board.

3. What angle to put on your shoes?

Boat & Cable:

-5° to +25° angle available on most of the shoes. For a use in cable as in boat it will be important to have the same angle on both feet to avoid asymmetries. As for the choice of this one, it is necessary to consider our angle of attack of walk. That is to say when our knee unfolds our tybia etc... if we have a wide gap on the ground it will be important to reproduce it on the board. Otherwise we will have pain in the knees if the angles are badly adjusted or too important.

4. The channels

Boat & Cable:

Certaines boards ont plus ou moins de channel (canaux moulé sur la semelle de la board) et de longueurs et nombres différents. Pour les débutants en avoir est un plus car facilite les prises de carre, pour un confirmé, cela permet une prise de carre plus agressive avec moins d’effort. Certaines board n’ont pas ou peu de channel ce qui demande une meilleur technique mais permette un meilleur pop à la vague. Attention ces boards sont moins tolérante sur les mauvaises réceptions (pas de channel = glissade).

5. The Flex

Boat & Cable:

The more flex a board has the softer it will be under your feet. However, a flex board does not mean soft. It can very well have carbon/kevlar reinforcements that will ensure the return of energy to the sender.

What needs to be considered here is the type of flex you want to have. It is important to follow the manufacturer's technical documentation on weight templates so that the given flex is assured.

Then another important thing is where is the flex on your board? The nose, the tail, the center of your board or spread over the whole board. Here there will be only the behavior test that will help you to make your choice.

Flex = pop but slightly delayed reactivity in the wave and in reception.

6. The Rocker

Boat & Cable:

There are two rockers to consider: the continuous rocker and 3 levels.

How to differentiate them? It's simple. The continuous rocker is a homogeneous curvature of the board that forms an arc.

The 3 level rocker is really 3 levels of curvature. \_/

What are the differences?

With the continuous rocker, you will push less water and the board will pull less on your arms. However, you lose pop and edge grip.

With the 3-stage rocker, you'll push more water but you'll gain pop and have a better edge hold. As the board sinks into the water the tail will be like a drift and the board will be more precise in the cuts.

Pour un débutant il est peut être bon d’avoir une board avec moins de rocker ce qui rend la board plus accrocheuse en care et plus stable plutôt que d’installer des ailerons de partout.

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